Goodflex Rubber Co. is an engineering solutions company. And we provide these engineering solutions for industries as diverse as Automotive, Rail, Off-highway, Marine, Military, Food and Pharmaceutical.
In the words of the late, great Harvard professor Clayton Christenson, we know exactly what the ‘jobs to be done’ are for all of our customers in all of those industries.
And our customers are wide-ranging, with exacting reasons why they choose Goodflex Rubber Co to get their specific ‘job’ done. Whether that is the enthusiast or the repair mechanic. It may be the design engineering team or procurement team. It could be the manufacturer or the supplier, not to forget the outsourced consultancies – we work closely with them all.
My Supplier Page is an online portal that connects buyers in the contract manufacturing business and institution to access suppliers directly, without the hassle of browsing and searching through search engines.